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Hospice of the Owens Valley

A nurse taking card of old patient
Storytime with Grandpa

Hospice is not a place; it's a philosophy of compassionate care when life changes.

Hospice care allows terminally ill individuals and their families to experience the end-of-life journey together, in the comfort and security of their home setting. 


The Focus of Hospice Care

​The focus of our hospice care is to ensure comfort during life’s final stages, by managing complex symptoms and offering consistent emotional, physical, spiritual, and practical support. We provide this care in the comfort, privacy, and familiarity of your home.

Which Doctor do I work with?

Our hospice team works with each individual's primary care physician. Our Hospice Medical Director is available to your doctor and the hospice care team as a consultant and a resource. Our hospice team of experts will regularly review your case with the primary focus on controlling symptoms and improving your quality of life.

How are Hospice Services Paid?

Medicare and Managed Care Medi-Cal require the patient to meet specific qualifications in order to be eligible for hospice, along with their primary care physician, and our Hospice Medical Directors’ confirmation. Once approved, hospice services can begin and any

hospice related costs will be covered by these insurances. Most private insurance plans have some form of hospice coverage as well.

When Should Hospice Care Begin?

​After receiving a terminal diagnosis, it can take 3-6 months to progress through distinct physical, emotional, and spiritual stages. It is better to begin Hospice care early rather than later to fully benefit from our services.

Grief Counseling

Bereavement is the time of mourning we all experience following a loss. Our hospice team will work with surviving family members to help them through this time. Our experienced bereavement 

coordinator, support staff, and trained volunteers provide support and education by phone, personal visits, or community grief support groups.

Hospice Services

  • Personalized health care, coordinated by your doctor and our hospice team of professionals

  • Medication, supplies and equipment related to the terminal illness

  • Nursing visits to the home for symptom management as needed with 24/7 phone access

  • Specialized training for family members and caregivers on how to address comfort needs

  • Assistance with bathing and personal grooming

  • Volunteer assistance for compassionate support

  • Assistance with advanced directives and Memorial planning

  • Grief counseling and spiritual support for both the individual and the family

  • Insurance billing to Medicare, Managed Care Medi-Cal and private insurance providers

Leave a Legacy

As a non-profit charitable

corporation, we raise funds from

donations, memorials, grants and

special events. Your contributions

expand our care resources.

Including us in your personal Will

or Trust, supports our continued

services and provides for your own


My husband’s hospice team provided top-notch nursing care to him and (the) much appreciated spiritual guidance to both he and I throughout this most difficult time. Can’t say enough good about Royce (hospice nurse), Patrick (chaplain) and Paula (volunteer). 

Call us today on 1-760-872-4663

Monday - Thursday

8:00am - 5:00pm


8:00am -12:00pm

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© 2023 by Pioneer Home Health Care Inc. 


We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, disability, or place of national origin.

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